

When was Clientron incorporated?

Clientron was incorporated on May 5, 1983

When was Clientron registered on Taiwan Emerging Stock Market and under what ticker symbol?

Clientron was registered on Taiwan Emerging Stock Market on July 4, 2017 under the ticker number 8119.

Who is Clientron common stock's transfer agent?

Clientron's transfer agent is Capital Securities.
Capital Securities Co., Ltd.
B2, 97, Tunhwa South Road, Sec.2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

What is Clientron's historical dividend information?

Please click here for  Dividend Policy  by Clientron 

When does Clientron's fiscal year officially end?

Clientron follows the normal calendar year, therefore our fiscal year ends December 31.

When does the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting hold?

Clientron's shareholders’ meeting will take place on Jun 06, 2024 at FEWC.

For common stock in Taiwan, how do I transfer my stock or change my address with a transfer agent?

Clientron's transfer agent is Capital Securities. Any securities related operation such as, stock settlement, stock/cash dividends, address update, lost announcement, setting/cancelling pledges, chops update etc., please contact Capital Securities in Taiwan.

Who should I contact if the FAQ can not answer my question?

Please contact  at